SAPIENSWISE ORGANIZATION ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Historial background of the Organisation

Sapienswise Organisation in local non profit organisation initiated by Rwandan educator in 2016 in the first year of implementing the Rwanda national competence based curriculum (CBC). The mission of the organization is to discover nurture and develop talents among young people and help them create job from their talents. Its target population is all young people who are at school and their teachers. After working in education for many years founders of Sapienswise found that many fresh graduate both at secondary and university go to the market place with much theoritical aspect of what they have learnt but little know how and practical skills about what they have acquired at school. This organisation key activities is to bridge the gap between the school and the market place.

The organisation first beneficiaries are teachers, school leaders and sector education officers and the end beneficiaries are students. All activities of the organizations are centred on different competitions among them are readining competitions, drama festical, sciences fairs and career guidance. This report gives highlights of what was done in the different domain and how beneficiaries were happy about what was done to them in collaboration with their leaders.


Sapienswise organisation participated in different activities of empowering young people to discover their gifts and talents. In different Sectors and School visited, students, teachers, school leaders and Sector Education Inpectors (SEI) have been involved in activities of supporting young students to discover their talents and gifts and come up with tangible activities they can to do promote their welfare and one of their families. Apart from the competitions and festivals which were conducted as the final activities, in the background the organization has been doing many activities. Some of them are the review of different documents about how those competitions are conducted both locally and internationally.

After the document review the design of tools to be used was also done, a theme of the competition was circulated in all concerned schools and some teachers have been supporting students to prepare their competitions. Concept notes and other required material have been prepared and given to schools for them to start the planning activities. In all the process we discovered that helping young students indintify their gifts and talents will contribute much in the economic development of the country. From what we have seen, young people have different skills if developped and nurtured they can contribute to implementation of the competence based curriculum.

The following are the key acheivement of the organization in the year 2019 and 2020,

In Kimironko Sector at Goupe Scholaire Kimironko more than one hundred students are involved in drama festival activities where they are planning to compete both at school and sector level. Competitors are in four (4) categories ; traditional dance, modern dance, songs and drama. Currently they are doing enter-class competitions and thereafter there will be school competition to identy those who will compete at sector.

GS Kimironko I photo after their activities on Wednesday after of preparing the comepitition

GS Kimironko students hapiness after the drama festival exercizes.

Students who have dropped out brought back to school at EP Karama

Students brought back to school after dropping out

Other students brought back to school together with parents’ representative

Groupe Schoolaire Kagugu students doing the mathematic competition written test

Groupe Schoolaire Kagugu students doing the mathematic competition written test

Students performing traditional dances

Distribution of material
