1. Education activities

Subject based competition (Science congress) it deals with all skills and talents in sciences and other taught subjects both in primary and secondary (Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Computer science).

Language competitions: it deals with all activities related to language skill development (reading competitions, writing, debate, public speech in all languages in the region and globally).

Drama and dance festival: it deals with all stage performance activities including plays, dances, music, poems and singing.

Career counselling and guidance: it deals with all activities of helping people discover the pathway of their career and to prepare them to be what they are dreaming to be.

Sport activities: we organize competitions in different games among them marathon, football, basketball, sack games and many other games organized in the school context.

Education assistance and fighting dropout: identifying students in both primary and secondary to be involved in all education activities. We identify students at school age who did not have opportunity to go to school and we take them to school and follow up their education, at the same time identifying, nurturing their talents. We also bring back students who have dropped out from schools and assist them to go back to school.

  1. Financial inclusion

We support adults and young people to be involved in saving and credit groups at village level, we currently have 60 saving group which are saving money on daily basis and thereafter members of the group start income generating activities.

  1. Rabbits livestock activities

For the purposes of the fighting hunger and poverty, we have supported the communities members with rabbits and this will be done on pass on basis, where the first group of 250 household received 500 rabbits and the same number of 600 rabbits will be pass on four times.

  1. Agriculture activities

Our beneficiaries have developed the spirit of having everyone in the group has to develop a garden of vegetables to have a balanced diet and have food at low cost. We are in the process of registering an agriculture cooperative to do activities in a formalized all activities according to the countries low and regulations

  1. Arts and culture

We promote job creation with talents and other idle resources; we promote the culture of storytelling, traditional songs, traditional dance and content creation in soft skills, public speech, debate, and the use of technology to leverage their skills.

  1. Disability and inclusion

We support children with disability to have access to be basic care and where need is we recommend them to hospital in the country.


  1. Education
  • We have been able to run a language competition (debate, writing and reading) with the support of Segal Family foundation grant and in partnership with Ineza foundation. Around 4,500 students participated in the language competition at school level, 1,500 at sector level and 54 participated at District level and where received awards of performance
  • In partnership with Solace Ministries, we provided school materials to more than 930 students from the marginalized families.
  • We have two groups of young people (50 people) who are involved in traditional dance, storytelling, singing, riddles and singing
  • We are planning to reach out more than 1000 young people in this holiday to conduct career guidance sessions with them
  • We are also planning to reach out more than 1000 young people and children in science congress
  • We are also planning to reach out more than 500 young people in sport.
  1. Financial inclusion
  • We have been able to conduct training on financial inclusion through saving and credit groups, by now aww have 60 groups of 30 people. In total, we have 1800 people engaged in saving groups. Last year the money saved was around 10, 000, 0000 RWF, and this number is going to multiply many time. Those who were involved in the saving group did not face any problem because whenever they need money.
  • We are registering a saving cooperative with 300 members and each member is paying 20,000 RWF for them to be able to be shareholders. Meaning the cooperative will have 6,000,000 RWF cash among for it to be able to operate.
  1. Rabbits farming
  • In partnership with World Connect, we distributed 600 rabbits in the community to 250 people, and after five months, the first beneficiaries were able to pass on to other 250. The first pass on has taken place and the second one will take place in September and the last one in December 2023.
  1. Agriculture activities
  • Every person involved in the livestock activities of rabbits takes advantages of the waste and urine to make a good garden and use those waste as fertilizers.
  1. Arts and culture
  • When people meet in their respective communities, whether they are saving, or doing livestock, they have time to build relationship and use their talents to compose songs, tell stories, dance and do other recreational activities. We have currently 8 groups which are practicing arts and culture.
  1. Inclusion
  • We have identified people with disabilities in the community we are serving and we are doing advocacy to see if the can have access to medical services. Currently we have 10 people with disability.